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lifestyle factors & your physical health
Exercise & Physical Health
Blood Pressure
the heart
women & their heart
men & their heart
heart disease
treatment for heart disease & heart attack
how emotions & feelings affect physical health....
your kidneys
respiratory system
the glossary
drugs these days
cattle prodding... the tests they have to do...
illnesses & the emotions & feelings they produce...
the immune system
then there's cancer...
men & cancer....
women & cancer
cancer & your mind....
cancer & your lifestyle factors
living in chronic pain
nervous system....
nerve disorders....
altzheimer's & dementia
what's out there in your health future?

Are you just trying to get by every day so you can enjoy your retirement years someday?

why wait to enjoy yourself?  why not get in the best possible physical & mental shape now so you can enjoy every day?

From the wife of a heart attack survivor,
I have to say, my husband was in denial all week about having chest pains that could be his heart. He was very stubborn about it, but in retrospect, he was afraid. It's okay to be afraid. That's what this website and the network is about. It's okay to have feelings and emotions. Things happen in life and we have reactions. Some things bring us happiness, some things bring us sorrow, some things bring us fear, but as long as we recognize our feelings, identify what we're feeling, process the feeling or emotion and then when we've had time with it - enought time that is, we just let it go.
It's those bottled up, buried, ignored, stuffed, denied emotions & feelings that cause things like "heart attacks."
So, for a whole week he worried, anguished, thought about his impending death and never told me he was afraid. He kept telling me how bad he felt physically though. That was great.
"Oh honey.... I am really feeling bad. I have this chest pain like I can't quite get my breath. I think it's my asthma, but it's really bothering me."
Just enough for me to worry as well. So the two of us, we're supposed to be best friends, companions, there for each other in times of need, and we're separately worrying about whether he's having chest pain from a heart attack or his asthma. He won't go to the doctor. I'm getting really angry about his denial and stubborness.
Why do men do that?
So my husband waits until the weekend. This whole thing started on Monday, but he waits until we have a house full of kids and our granddaughter, a toddler, to wake me up at 2 a.m. to say let's go to the hospital. "It's really bad." he says.
I am so annoyed with him and so crazed at this announcement, this pig-headed admittance, that I jump out of bed, almost like... it's time to go to the hospital to have the baby... kind of move... and he says, "I think you need to call an ambulance."
Oh great! I'm thinking to myself as I've already woken up the baby, the kids are all upset, their friends staying the night are upset, the two kids from next door that I'm babysitting for the night while their mother goes out clubbing for the first time in years as a single mother begin dialing their cell phone to find mom.... it's chaos. I'm thinking he's having a heart attack, I've called 911, ordered the ambulance and I'm on autopilot.
I've called my son-in-law who is home sleeping about a dozen times to come get the baby and he won't wake up. I call my daughter at the hospital, she's working, but she says, "What do you need?" I tell her to go wake up her husband and get him over to the house, I'm going to follow the ambulance.
I pray in the car. The ambulance is driving so fast I lose sight of it. I'm praying, "Dear God, tell me. Let me know how bad this is going to be. Please God, let me know."
Suddenly this overwhelming feelings of security, peace of mind and relaxation comes over me. He heard me. I have my answer. "At least one man in my life doesn't wait forever to tell me what's going on," I think to myself.
My daughter has done everything I asked of her and made it back to the hospital before I did. She's in the emergency room, holding my husband's hand. She's standing way up towards his head because his bottom half is exposed; totally exposed.

Don't Take Risk with Your Life
By Tim Ong
I once had a patient in his mid-50's who came to see me for a chest pain that was aggravated when he played golf. The pain lasted for just a few minutes and was relieved when he took a rest.

In the clinic, we did an electrocardiogram (E.C.G.) for him and discovered that he had some evidence of blockages to the coronary arteries. He was promptly advised to seek treatment from a cardiologist urgently.

Instead, he decided to settle some business matter first, and then go and see the cardiologist. Unfortunately for him, he died from a massive heart attack not long after that.

In contrast, another patient who did his annual medical check up even when he has no symptom discovered to his surprise that he has a blocked heart artery. He promptly when for treatment with a cardiologist and a balloon angioplasty was done for him.

That was more than a year ago. Today, he still has no symptom of chest pain but he is more careful with his diet and he does his exercises regularly. He also never fail to do his annual medical check up.

As doctors, we see lots of patients who are concerned about their health and often take the appropriate steps to maintain their health. Unfortunately, we still come across some who feel that they can take risk with their life and come out winning all the time.

When you take risk with your life, you may win once, even twice, but the odds are heavily stacked against you winning all the time. All it takes is one heart attack and it may well be your last.

So don't take risk with your life.

source: selfgrowth.com

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